Sex and the Single Girl
A couple months back Raquelle over at
Out of the Past - A Classic Film Blog, posted a critical review of the Tony Curtis and Natalie Wood film,
Sex and the Single Girl. She was completely spot on when she said this film is "ridiculous to the point of being just plain stupid." I won't go into reviewing the film, for a review you can check out Raquelle's
post, but I will share the only thing I really did find interesting about
Sex and the Single Girl, and that was spotting some of the film locations.
The film also stars Lauren Bacall and Henry Fonda as husband and wife. Towards the end of the film, Bacall goes to a police station where Fonda is being held. That police station was part of the Warner Bros. backlot. In the below screenshot Bacall is facing the facade of the police station and behind her is a park-like space. By the way, that same stretch of green would also be used as "Central Park" in the television show Friends.
Lauren Bacall visits the police station.
Warner Bros. Backlot (April 2012)
Here is another shot of the same location.
Henry Fonda gets away in the taxi.
Warner Bros. backlot. (April 2012)
You can also see this same area of the Warner Bros. backlot in my post on
The Omega Man (1971) film locations.
Henry Fonda's character sells women's nylons and the business he works at was also located at Warner Bros. but it was not on one of the backlots. It was one of the regular buildings dressed up to look like a business.
Henry Fonda leaves his work, "Sexy Sox"
Building on the Warner Bros. lot. used as Sexy Sox location.
Fonda getting into his car and leaving Sexy Sox.
Same location at WB as it appears today.
The end of the film culminates into a big chase scene that ends at Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Below are a couple images from the airport scenes.
Fonda arrives at the Los Angeles Airport
LAX today. Image (c) Arif Widianto All Rights Reserved
Police officer calling for back-up.