The famous Ennis Brown house designed by architect Frank Lloyd Wright is up for sale. If you have an extra $15 million in the bank you could call The House on Haunted Hill your home! Yes, this house was featured in the Vincent Price classic as well as Blade Runner, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and Twin Peaks to name just a few of the productions this building can be seen in. It will be interesting to see, with the dismal U.S. economy, that the the sellers get what they are asking for?
The home is located in the Los Feliz neighborhood of Los Angeles near Griffith Park. The home was built in 1924, and is constructed from thousands of concrete blocks with a Mayan design. It's one of only 4 homes like it.
What do you think should happen to the home? Who do you think should buy the home from the Ennis House Foundation?