Tonight, as part of the Cinefamily's Hollywood Gothic Film series, the Silent Movie Theatre is showing the classic Humphrey Bogart film, "In a Lonely Place." This was Bogart's first film that he made with his production company after his contract with Warner Bros. expired. Bogart plays a cantankerous screenwriter who hates his work and the people he is working for. When a hatcheck girl he knows shows up murdered Bogart becomes the prime suspect. Like the film Sunset Boulevard, this is another beautifully dark film from the 1950s that focuses on a screenwriter.
Following In a Lonely Place the Silent Film Theatre will be showing the 1980s film Fade to Black. This story follows a fanboy, Dennis Christopher, who is working in a Hollywood prop house. Dennis knows everything about movies but nothing about interacting with people. He eventually snaps and becomes a serial killer who impersonates his favorite films when killing his victims.
Starts: 7:30p.m. Friday, March 13
Where: Silent Movie Theatre - 611 N. Fairfax Avenue, Los Angeles, CA
Cost: $10
Make sure to check out the Cinefamily website for other great classic films that are coming up.
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Hollywood Gothic Film Series at the Silent Movie Theatre